Adobe Hiring!!!
location- Bangalore
profile- Lead Automation Engineer
- Expertise in automation tool development, maintenance for Web, API, Mobile apps which should increase productivity & improve test coverage.
- Identify gaps in the current automation setup , think through innovative ways to scale the framework to next level to provide reliable results for ever growing data, workflow complexity & environments.
- Expertise in driving automation testing goals through industry defined processes & methods.
- Should be hands on in the field of functional/non-functional testing for Web, API’s, mobile applications, connectors (3rd party application integrations) to execute functional, automation, performance, workflow/user-centric tests as needed.
- Should focus on results with an added ability to provide solutions to long standing automation problems in the product with focus on customer centricity
- Engage with customers and product management teams to understand the user stories and design solutions in automation which are impactful, customer centric.
- Display thought leadership through presentations in various aspects of Software Quality
- Work as part of a highly motivated Agile team in short release cycles.
- Graduate in Comp Science or related field
- Should be able to develop & maintain automation frameworks across Web, Mobile & APIs.
- Good knowledge of Web & API automation testing with capability to drive innovation in testing automation tools development with a focus on increasing productivity, test coverage.
- Expertise in programming (Java, ReactJS)
- Experience in api testing (REST api’s using POSTMAN)
- Experience in testing web applications/cloud solutions (multi-tier complex architecture solutions)
- Strong problem-solving skills needed to identify, research, and resolve problems
- Strong computer science fundamentals & data structures knowledge.
Good to have skills:
- Working knowledge of AWS or any other cloud platform.
- Working knowledge of RDBMS to be able to write SQL for data validation & automation (MySQL, PostgreSQL, ORACLE etc.)
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Job Category: Information Technology (IT)
Job profile: Lead Automation Engineer
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Bangalore
Company Name: Adobe
Post Date: 30 OCT 2023