Adobe Hiring!!!
location- bangalore
profile- Software Development Engineer
What you’ll do
- Design and build world-class and highly scalable Microservices interacting with RDBMS, No-SQL, Caching Layer.
- Design, develop, debug, provide effort estimation and risk analysis of a project/feature/service.
- Perform due diligence and implement comprehensive unit and integration tests for conforming the use case.
- Troubleshoot and resolve performance, reliability, and scalability issues.
- Embrace a highly collaborative team that requires effective communication and quality contributions.
- Interact with Product Mgmt, Architects and other stakeholders to refine the business requirements.
What you need to succeed
- B.Tech/ M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering or related experience.
- Proven programming, debugging & troubleshooting skills
- 3+ years of exceptional programming skills.
- Must have excellent working knowledge of Object Oriented Design & Programming (Java)
- Specialist in Distributed Systems and Cloud Technologies
- Good understanding of Multi-Threading and Concurrent Programming.
- Knowledge of Kubernetes and Container technology is desired.
- Extensive experience in following web technologies: J2EE, XML, AWS Technologies, Web Services, REST, JSON, Casandra, MySQL, Spring Boot, Redis, Junit, Spring, ESB, Service Gateway, UML, OSGi, Docker
- Knowledge of AWS/ Azure Cloud is a huge plus.
- Interest to keep up with the latest trends in technology.
- Highly motivated, works well in a fast paced collaborative team environment
If you illegible for this job click here apply button and apply directly for adobe company.
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Job Category: software Engineer
Job profile: Software Developer
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Bangalore
Company Name: Adobe
Post Date: 30 OCT 2023